Friday, August 3, 2012

Curious Moth

Sphinx moth
This fascinating diurnal moth had me really puzzled when I was first alerted to it by its loud humming. I was convinced it might be a tiny, rare (rarissimo!) European hummingbird. A little research revealed that it is called called the sphinx, hawk or - hummingbird moth! Its wings are practically invisible as it hovers, indeed Su, the guest who took this photo, has done a miraculous job capturing the wings. This hummingbird moth is feeding from a flower of nepeta grandiflora or catmint but seems to frequent many different blooms. I once found one stuck inside a flower of dipladenia boliviensis. It's a joy to watch it dart amongst the flowers, humming non-stop.


  1. A Tuscan colibrì?! Really interesting to see its colours so well in this still shot too.

  2. Fantastic photos. I can't wait to see you garden in real life!


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