Thursday, April 23, 2015

Spring Report

abundant clematis armandii: and the perfume!
It may seem trite, but the joys of spring, the return of vitality to our world never cease to delight. A small record of it seemed in order. 

crab apple Malus Lisette against wild cherry backdrop

early-bird hawthorn (crataegus) in the long hedge

syringa vulgaris, lilac; only the topmost flowers survive the deer but they are still a great satisfaction

the rich clusters of wisteria are adored by the bees
clematis montana beginning to open; not a showy clematis, but very reliable

bountiful buds on wild apple trees
my favourite blossom, the quince, cydonia oblonga

next favourite, apple malus domestica; this is the annurca heritage variety which originates in Campania, Italy


  1. A quite delightful Spring Report,a feast of Springtime beauty and renewal.

  2. A delightful mista for spring. Impressive wild apple blossom, very generous.


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