Monday, July 30, 2012

 ...from the summer diary
Harvested lavender from sixteen bushes today. Still plenty to go. Apart from hanging bunches of dried lavender around the house I am hoping to make some lavender bags this year for our guests. It is still pretty hot but there are gusty winds today...Last night we heard a family of boar all around the main house, rustling and feeding in the dark.


  1. What do you think of the culinary uses of lavender? In the US, I have tried lavender sorbet and heard of lavender panna cotta. Admittedly a bit odd to an Italian palate!

  2. Yes, I have heard of lavender sorbet in Australia. I believe it works if based on lemon, otherwise it would taste soapy. There is a flourishing local production of lavender for cosmetic purposes (around Castellina you can see the hilly lavender fields) but I haven't heard of anyone trying lavender in food. Maybe at La Petraia?


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